Our Courses
Meet your instructor
Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna.
Read the full storyOur Courses
What to expect
No need for prior knowledge of arts, drawing or patterns! If you are experience all the better for you, just pick whatever you want to work on and start your project!
Are you new to arts and this your first time? Have no supplies? We got you covered! Only thing you have to bring to our hobby course is yourself!
Are you not sure if this is for you? Don’t worry our courses are not subscription based thus you can pick what you want to work on and start, we charge per product rather than hour!
The products that you choose to work are yours to keep! After you are done, we use our state of the art kiln to make it kitchen safe so that you can enjoy your custom made project at home!
Allow your kids to be inspired! We have hosted many families before, we have a safe environment for children which is great for small parties and memento for parents to keep.
If you are bored of the same old bar and restaurant dates then this is a great date idea. Since you get to keep your product you can work on each others gift!
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Our Courses
We get clear on your goals
Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh.
Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia.